Love, As Always, Pete

The Weekly Letters, by A. Pedersen Wood

November 5, 2021

Dear Everyone:

Query:  Where do they store all the Daylight we’ve been Saving all these years; and how do I make a Withdrawal?

Yes, it’s that time of the year, when we all “Fall Back” to Standard Time, except for the citizens of the state of Arizona, who ignore the whole thing.

Seriously, Daylight Saving Time actually lasts longer (approximately 32 weeks) than Standard Time (about 20 weeks, give or take.)  Wouldn’t it make more sense to call the bigger chunk of the year “Standard” and the rest of it something else?  Something like, “Longer Days’ Time”.  Except in Arizona, of course.

I’m just saying.

This is also the time of year that I get into fights with the landscapers around here.  Each Tuesday, they come by with their gas-powered leaf blowers.  They are supposed to be blowing the leaves into piles that can then be raked up into cloth-covered bundles to haul away.

But it’s so much easier for them to blow the leaves under the fences and onto the patios of the homeowners who happen to live in downstairs units.  We can complain to the latest company that “manages” our community.  And they can tell the landscapers to cut it out.  But the word never gets all the way down the line to the guy with the blower.

But I have an electric leaf blower of my own.  So I just blow the leaves back out again.  One time last year, I actually got into a leaf-blowing duel with one of the gardeners.  As he blew under the fence, I blew right out again.  His response was to turn up the velocity on his machine.  So I turned up the velocity on mine.  And we blew leaves back and forth under the fence until he finally realized that he wasn’t going to win and began blowing everything out into the parking area instead.

Score one for the Homeowners.

Unfortunately, I’m not as agile as I was a year ago.  So far, I’ve only been able to blow leaves under the fence after gardener is long gone and can’t see how much I’ve undone his efforts.  We’ll see how it goes next week.

In other news…  Birds.

I have mentioned that I put out a feeder for hummingbirds.  Someone already alerted me to the fact that my sugar-to-water ratio was a little off; and I’ve corrected it.  Mr. Hummer seems quite satisfied and continues to drive away any would-be claim-jumpers of the winged variety.

I also put up a feeder that only feeds finches.  It consists of a tube of wire mesh that holds Nyjer seed.  Only small birds like finches can hang onto the mesh and get their little beaks in to pull out the miniscule seeds.  Theoretically, this results in far less mess than larger birds create with other grains and such.

Nevertheless, I’ve been warned that “rodents of the un-cute variety” can still be attracted to the seed.  Another reason for having a blower.  I can send all the itty-bitty husks out under the fence and into the general landscaped area to become part of the overall mulch.

I do enjoy watching the little birds.  As long as the mess stays under control, all will be well.

Love, as always,



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