Love, As Always, Pete

The Weekly Letters, by A. Pedersen Wood

October 29, 2021

Dear Everyone:

What a week!

On Sunday I went to open the freezer door and the handle came off in my hand.  Spoiler Alert:  It only took a few minutes to figure out how to fasten in back into place.

On Monday the insurance agent, who had promised to call me last Thursday, called to tell me that the company had decided that my car was “a total loss”.  He also gave me the information about the current location of what’s left of the car so I could retrieve all the “stuff” that was still in it.

And he told me that the company would compensate me $38,623.15 for the doomed car.  Agamemnon had met his Armageddon.

I find it interesting that the insurance company computed the “replacement value” of my car down to the last penny.  Not 14 cents, not 16 cents, but exactly 15 cents.

Another interesting thing:  I’m suddenly getting prerecorded calls about renewing or extending my car’s warranty.  Just a tad bit too late for that, I think.

Now, there’s only two things wrong with getting $38,623.15 to buy a new car.  The first is that the car is (was) only two years old and I still owe about $22,000 on the auto loan.  No problem, the insurance company will actually pay the credit union first.  Once the loan is paid off, the balance will go directly into my account.

The second problem is that this is not a very good time to be shopping for a new car.  The Great Global Supply Chain Shortage Snafu is still in full swing.  In the meantime, I’m still driving the rental car.  The insurance company stopped helping with that at End of Day (EOD) yesterday.

Just in case, I went ahead and applied online for a new car loan at the credit union.  They were happy to accommodate me, and the loan was approved within minutes

On Tuesday I drove up to Vallejo (pronounced vuh·lay·hoe) to the salvage yard where what was left of my poor car was being stored.  A kindly forklift operator picked it up and delivered it to a space near the office.  Another kindly worker hooked up a portable battery long enough to facilitate opening the trunk where everything had been deposited.  He also helped me transfer everything into the trunk of the rental car.

This afternoon I pulled it all into some semblance of order in said trunk.  At least I’ll be able to find things when I need them.  For the past two weeks, I would think, “Oh, I have that in the trunk of my car…”  Only to realize that the trunk of my car was far, far away in Vallejo.

I had a brief conversation this morning with the same sales representative who sold me my now-defunct car, Agamemnon, two years ago.  He told me that new cars were coming in and being sold off in about the same day now.  At his suggestion, I made a down payment on a new car, sight unseen, which should be arriving some time in the next two weeks.  Now I just need to think up a name for it.

Everybody have a Happy Halloween!

Love, as always,



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