Love, As Always, Pete

The Weekly Letters, by A. Pedersen Wood

November 12, 2021

Dear Everyone:

My new car arrived yesterday.  It took a few days longer than the sales rep had supposed, but you have to remember to take anything a salesperson tells you with a large grain of salt (“Richard” and “Alice” excepted, of course.)

Back when part of my job was shopping for records management software, if you asked the sales rep, “Does your system do FIB (Fill In Blank)?” the answer was always:  “Of course it does!  Better than anybody else!”

Then, after you buy the system, you’re on the phone with Technical Support and they’re saying, “Yeah, there’s a way to do that.  But first you have to duct tape a tricycle to your forehead…”

In any case, the sales rep called me yesterday morning to say that my car had arrived (“It’s just coming off the truck now”) and would be ready “in a few hours”.  Later, he called to say there had been a delay, but it would be ready “real soon”.  A little before 4:00 pm, he called again:  “I’m on my way!”

He arrived at my place with a folder filled with papers to sign, which I did in my living room.  Then he drove us both back to the dealership where the financial person made sure that everything was signed properly, and had both checks (the down payment from two weeks ago, plus the cashier’s check for the balance) and made copies for me.

By the time I drove home in my brand new car, it was full dark.  I had made sure to take the remote with me for the gate at the “Welcome Center”, so I drove straight through and parked next to the rental car in front of my building.

Then I found that I had to dig out my cell phone to use as a flashlight to find the button that unlocks all the car doors.  The new car is very similar to my poor, only-two-and-a-half-years-old, crunched-up car, but I couldn’t be sure that all the buttons are in the same places.  Bear in mind that I’ve been driving the rental for a month now.

So far, I’ve been too busy with other things to do more than a quick glance around at the new car.  It’s going to take some time to get everything set up the way I think I’d like it.  I haven’t even got it on my insurance policy yet.  Thankfully, I can do that online tomorrow.

In the meantime, I’ve decided to name it Iolaus.  (Eye-uh-los)  For those unfamiliar with Greek mythology, he was a nephew of Heracles (also known as Hercules) and one of the Argonauts.  For more information, check Wikipedia, one of my favorite websites.  I could spend days there…

Yes, Iolaus has that “new car smell”.  Not one that I prefer.  If I get a chance tomorrow, I’ll leave all the windows open to replace it with “fresh autumn day”.

Love, as always,



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