Love, As Always, Pete

The Weekly Letters, by A. Pedersen Wood

September 17, 2021

Dear Everyone:

California is one of 19 states which allow the recall of a governor.  The idea is that, if a state governor appears to be doing a really bad job, he or she can be “fired” by the state’s citizens before the next election cycle.  It has happened, but only in rare instances and only in two states so far, the other one being North Dakota.

18 years ago, enough people were fed up with California Governor Gray Davis, a Democrat, to sign petitions to have him recalled.  That took a lot of going door-to-door to convince people to sign.  After that, enough people voted in favor of the Recall and the state got body-builder-turned-movie-action-hero Arnold Schwarzenegger as a new, Republican, Governor.

This time, again with a Democratic Governor in place, one Gavin Newsom, the Republican Party hired a lot of unemployed people to stand outside of supermarkets with clipboards to collect the requisite number of signatures.  One wonders how many of those people even knew what they were signing.

In any case, the Recall Election was on, again.  This time, nearly 50 people thought they were qualified to be Governor, including Caitlyn Jenner who, as Bruce Jenner, had won an Olympic gold medal in the Decathlon.  How winning a track-and-field race, and changing genders, qualifies a person to run a state the size of California is anybody’s guess.

There were plenty of other candidates, not all of them Republicans.  There was one Democrat whose “qualifications” included creating content for YouTube.  Another was still a college student who also happened to be an Immigrant.  And then there was an “actor, screenwriter and producer”, which assumed that being currently unemployed meant that he could manage an economy larger that many small countries.

In any case, the Recall Election of 2021 was going strong.

Newsom, and the Democratic Party, framed it as “the Republican Recall”, hoping that it would galvanize a sufficient number of Democrats and Independents to vote against the Recall on general grounds.  Then Somebody gave Newsom and the Democrats a gift in the form of one, Larry Elder.

Elder, a conservative radio talk show host, was on the “record” as saying many objectionable things.  In the strain of Rush Limbaugh, who regularly called women “feminazis” and considered poor people “lazy”, Elder basically said anything that could get him higher ratings.  Also, during the actual election, Elder played the “if-I-don’t-win-it’s-because-somebody-cheated” card so popular with former President Donald Trump.

One can only imagine little Donny Trump flinging the Chutes-and-Ladders board across the room the first time he lost a game, crying, “This game is rigged!”  Naturally, anything that doesn’t automatically favor little Donny must be unfair.

Elder’s “open-mouth-insert-foot” approach disenchanted many Californians.

Next up was John H Cox, who has run for every political position from President of the United States on down to dog catcher.  He used the approach of “Beauty and the Beast”, dismissing Newsom as “just another pretty face”, whereas Cox was the “Beast” who would somehow “fix everything” just by being himself.  He also included a California Golden Bear in his advertisements, to symbolize his “beastliness”, thus becoming known as “the guy who’s tormenting that poor bear”.

To paraphrase a popular sentiment, “With enemies like these, who needs friends?”

The Recall went down in flames and Newsom is still in office.

In the meantime, the Republican Party continues to shoot itself in the foot.

Every state legislature controlled by Republicans is busily redrawing voting districts to ensure their candidates are “safe”.  In addition, having realized that they just don’t have enough voters on their side, some states are passing laws to “protect the vote” by making it nearly impossible for many people to vote, in the course of which they are

actively alienating as many potential voters as possible.

Will this “Dog in the Manger” approach turn around and bite the Republicans in the butt?  Only time, and next year’s midterm election will tell.  In the meantime, it is fun to watch.  Except for the Bear, of course.

Love, as always,



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