Love, As Always, Pete

The Weekly Letters, by A. Pedersen Wood

September 24, 2021

Dear Everyone:

Just a brief note this week.  I forgot to mention last week that I would be having surgery yesterday.

The surgery, performed by the vascular surgeon, went very smoothly.  Most of the time was spent on preparation.  This included my arriving the afternoon before for yet another ultrasound.  This time the technician would run the apparatus over part of my left leg, then pause to mark the skin with a black marker.  This was to show the surgeon exactly where to perform his magic.

Yesterday, “Jeannie” came to my place and drove us both to the surgeon’s office.  This was because I couldn’t drive myself home after the procedure.  Once in the office, three assistants wrapped me up in various prefabricated drapes to expose only the left leg.  Then they washed everything visible with iodine and such things.  When they were finished with that, they turned on the music and informed the surgeon that everything, including me, was ready.

He popped his head around the drape to say hello to me and went right to work.  All I ever felt was the injection (“Little pinch!”) of the local anesthetic.  I may have been aware of one or more tiny incisions, but couldn’t swear to it.

Afterwards, the assistants cleaned up and wrapped my leg up with a very large “ace” bandage, from the foot to the upper thigh.  One assistant told me that I could shower the next day, provided I removed and then rewrapped the bandage.

Clearly, that would never happen.  I’ll wear the bandage until tomorrow (48 hours after surgery), then remove it for good.  So far, everything looks just fine.  I can wait another day before taking a shower.

As to whether or not this solves the initial problem, pain in my lower left leg that prevents me from walking without help, only time will tell.  I have a follow-up meeting (preceded by the ubiquitous ultrasound) with the surgeon next week.

Until then, no exercising (no problem!), no lifting heavy objects, no dancing, no rioting in the streets.  I plan to spend the next few days lying in my wonderful recliner and completing electronic jigsaw puzzles on the laptop.


Sounds like a good job to me.


Love, as always,



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