Love, As Always, Pete

The Weekly Letters, by A. Pedersen Wood

August 24, 2012

Dear Everyone:

You know that smell you get when something electrical is overheating?

Last Friday evening I smelled that smell, but couldn’t place it.  Checked the refrigerator.  Checked the laundry closet.  Not the toaster.  Couldn’t find the problem.

By Saturday morning, it was gone.  So I figured it wasn’t anything to worry about.

Then I decided to check my email.  The computer couldn’t find the webpage.  In fact, after a few minutes I determined that the computer couldn’t find any web pages.

At first, I suspected the wireless router.  After all, I’d had it since before I moved into my current abode.  So I unplugged it, let it “cool down”, then plugged it back in.  Looks fine.

Computer still couldn’t find the Internet.

Checked the modem.  A few weeks ago, my entire cable service, including the Internet, had gone down for a brief time.  But both TVs were fine.  And the “Internet light” on the modem was OK.

Then I decided to take a look at my Nook eBook, which has wireless capability and is even hooked into my home network.  Nook had no problem seeing the Internet.

Dragged out a very old laptop, the one that crashed three days after Christmas, 2009.  It only works in “Safe Mode”, but it still has an Internet connection.  And it did, indeed, see the Internet.

For those of you playing along at home, this is called a “Root Cause Analysis”, or RCA.  This is where, instead of treating the symptom (can’t find the Internet), you look for the underlying problem.  And there it was:  The tiny gadget inside the laptop that sends and receives wireless signals wasn’t working.

In fact, that was probably what I smelled Friday night:  The tiny gadget giving up the ghost.  RIP, tiny gadget.

So my laptop still worked, except no Internet connection.

Unacceptable, of course.

On Sunday, I went to the Really Big Blue Electronics Warehouse Store and picked out a new laptop, making sure that it had a CD drive.  A lot of the newer models are so much lighter in weight because the manufacturers decided that a CD drive was “optional”.

You know what’s coming:  Fun-filled hours of trying to load software, copy “important” documents, etc. from the “old” (2009) laptop to the new one.  Switching from one computer to the other whenever I needed to access The World In General.  Hrrmphfff!!!

Tuesday evening I was using my hair dryer when it suddenly went Snap! Crackle! POP!!!

And smoke (real smoke) started coming out of the nozzle.

Clearly, not a good week for electronic devices.

Fortunately, I had another hair dryer in the suitcase, which is still lying on the floor in the second bedroom from our trip to New York last month.  I hadn’t got around to putting it back into the closet where it belongs.  Sometimes procrastination is a virtue.

Still to come:  Shop for a new hair dryer.  Continue installing applications that I had on the “old” laptop onto the new laptop.  And so on.

Actually, I like the new laptop very much.  I think we’re going to get along famously, at least for a couple of years.

Love, as always,



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