Love, As Always, Pete

The Weekly Letters, by A. Pedersen Wood

January 6, 2012

Dear Everyone:

I caught a cold a few days after Christmas.  Not a terribly bad one, as colds go, but enough to put me “under the weather” for another week or so.

Thus my plans to “start the year off” with renewed enthusiasm for exercising and getting a lot of work done have pretty much fizzled out.  Not that I’m “slacking” entirely.  I still do my back physical therapy exercises every afternoon.  Takes more than a sniffling, snorting, excruciating cough to stop that.

In the meantime, I’m looking into what to do with my Christmas Tree.  This is a “live” tree, meaning that it was once a living plant, growing in the ground somewhere until it was “harvested”.  I love having this kind of tree because I can smell it in the morning when I come out into the living room.  It smells like Christmas.

On the “down” side, it has to be watered every day, just like cut flowers.  Only cut flowers don’t usually require getting down on the floor and almost lifting the entire tree to get the business end of the watering can into the holder.  I actually stopped watering the tree a few days ago to let it “dry out” before taking it out of the stand.  Now what to do with it?

Someone put up a notice near the mailbox kiosks and garbage dumps, announcing a “recycle” program especially for “clean” trees (no “flocking” allowed.)  Just place the tree in the “car easy area” before January 16th and the waste management company will pick them up at its convenience.  There’s a “car easy area”?  Whatever does that mean?  There’s an area set aside for “easy” cars?  Does this mean our community discriminates against cars that play “hard-to-get”?

If they meant the “car wash area”, I’d be in better shape.  Sure, it took me over two years to find it.  I only knew about it because people kept coming to the Homeowners Association meetings to ask when the vacuum cleaner would be working again.  The answer:  Never.  Not only did they have no way of opening the machine up to replace the bag, they had no idea where to find new bags.  Apparently, the original developers had left that information out when they sold the place to the new developers.

Nevertheless, today is “Twelfth Night”, the “Twelfth Day of Christmas” and the holiday decorations must come down.  The twinkling lights in the windows are no problem.  It only takes moments to pull them off the suction-cup-hooks and occasional reinforcing tape.

As for the tree itself:  Stripping off all the ornaments is far easier now that they’re nearly all made of “shatterproof” plastic instead of oh-so-breakable glass.  An extra-large plastic bag holds more and takes up less storage space than all those fitted boxes used to.  And the LED light strands disengage far better than those old sets that came in a circle.

By tonight, the tree will be outside on the patio, much to the delight of all the little forbidden birdies.  It can wait there until I either find the “car easy area”, or the dumpster.  In any case, the Holidays are over and the New Year has begun.

I ordered some new software for my computer; but I’m waiting until next week to actually do the installation and start figuring out how to use them, after I’m feeling better.  A Brave New World to look forward to.

Love, as always,



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