Love, As Always, Pete

The Weekly Letters, by A. Pedersen Wood

August 27, 1993

Dear Everyone:

When last we checked in with our plucky reporter, she was dealing with the happy-go-lucky Scungewort family.  You remember:  The derelict former-drug dealer dad who wanted to sell his daughter's house out from under her?  Well, we haven't heard any more about the Scungewort’s.  That's one of the disadvantages of the deposition reporting business.  You get to see a small part of a case; but, unless it gets excited and hits the front pages, you don't generally find out how it ended.  Except for what you can pick up on the Reporter’s Grapevine. 

Another disadvantage to deposition reporting is that sometimes there just aren't that many depositions to go around.  What does a plucky reporter do when there's nothing to report? 

She gets bored. 

Real bored.  How bored has our plucky reporter been getting? 

She's SO-O-O-O BORED that she's been cleaning out her closets.  We're talking about garments that haven't seen the light of day since Jimmy Carter had that little tiff with the Ayatollah Khomeini.  Little piles of clothes sorted by such criteria as: 

·        I'm keeping this because, if I can just lose a few pounds, I can wear it again.

·        I'm keeping this because, if I can just lose a few pounds, I can wear it just to prove that I can fit into it again.  Not that I'd be caught dead wearing it anymore.

·        I'm not keeping this.  I'll give it to a worthy cause.

·        My God!  I can't believe I still have this! 

The piles, like suburbs, gradually inch towards each other until they begin to form one really big pile with high points in various places.  Of course, the cats love this.  Monroe and The Cat With No Name can each have multiple piles of clean clothes to sleep on and not have to share. 

Needless to say, there is no telling how long these piles will remain in existence.  “Jeannie” has sort of a casual approach to organizing her apparel, as opposed to her older sister, whose T-shirts are always neatly folded and arranged according to color and theme: 

·        Shakespeare

·        Ashland/Oregon

·        Fantasy/Science Fiction/Miscellaneous 

Ditto for suits and coordinating lingerie and blouses. 

In other news… 

It's official:  I'm going to Seattle in October.  Yes, I will take an umbrella with me.  In fact, I'm already planning what to pack. 

The reason for going to Seattle in October is that it is the place and time for the 38th Annual ARMA International Conference and I will be there as the representative for RACS.  There will be one other from our group; but, as yet, I don't know who that will be.  It will be our joint responsibility to attend as many sessions, visit as many vendors, view as many demonstrations, sign up for as many additional information packets, grab as many freebies, and check out as many "hospitality rooms" as possible in four days (and nights). 

Don't expect a Letter that week. 

Love, as always, 



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