Love, As Always, Pete

The Weekly Letters, by A. Pedersen Wood

August 14, 2020

Dear Everyone:

I’ve always been vertically challenged.  In a word:  Short.

Other possible descriptors:

Petite, diminutive, abbreviated, compact, low-rider.  Built close to the ground.  Stunted, pint-sized, sawed-off, slight.

“Short” is as good a word as any.

A few months ago, I was in my regular grocery store, selecting 2-liter bottles of Diet Coke.  For some reason, these are always on the top shelf, with a metal stop in the way to prevent them from falling to the floor.  Also, to stop people from easily taking them off the shelf.  You have to be able to lift the bottle at least two inches up over the stop before you can draw it towards yourself.

A man pushing his shopping cart, with several young children in tow, stopped to ask if I wanted any help.  Very kind of him.  As I had just wrested free the last bottle, I placed it in my own cart and stepped down off my folding step stool.

I thanked him, commenting that, “Everything I need is always on the top shelf.”

Observing that I was folding the step stool and placing it in my cart, he said: “You appear to have come prepared.”

I agreed with him and remarked:  “Well, I’ve been short for a long time.”

He laughed and continued on his way, dragged along by very impatient offspring.

When I was in high school, I was five-feet, two-inches tall.  And I stayed that way for many, many years.

But then, old age caught up with me and I’ve been getting steadily shorter for some time now.  According to my latest driver’s license, I now stand straight at four-feet, eleven inches.  Actually, that’s four-feet, eleven and three-quarter inches.  On a good day.

Now, when doing laundry, I need a stool to step on to reach inside the dryer which rests on top of the washing machine in what the architect fondly refers to as the “laundry closet”.  In fact, I have a stool dedicated to that very purpose.  It lives on the lower shelf of the laundry cart.

Now, when I’m working in the kitchen, I can easily reach the bottom shelf of any of the upper cabinets.  But when it comes to the middle shelf, I have to stretch up on my toes to grasp anything.  As for the top shelf, it’s a step-ladder or nothing.

Dragging even a small step-ladder around all the time is annoying.  I started looking for an alternative at the Big Discount Household Items Warehouse Store website.  A search on “stools” resulted in nearly 100 varieties, many festooned with Disney characters.  Also bar stools, dining accessories and a whole lot of things I wasn’t looking for.

But then I spotted a round, two-step stool that could roll from one point to another.  It was blue and plastic.  And I realized that it was a scaled-down version of the rolling step stools that we always had in the file rooms.

So I went over to the Big Office Supply Warehouse Store website and quickly found the Real Thing.  Just like the ones I used to kick around (literally) in the file rooms.  It has three rolling castors set with a spring mechanism.  When pushed, it rolls in a vaguely circular way across the floor.  Once it arrives where it’s wanted, sufficient weight placed on it lowers it to the floor, where it rests in a very stable manner until the weight is removed.  Then it springs back up and again rolls wherever it’s wanted.  With two circular steps, it stands 14 inches high.  Plenty to reach the top shelf.

That takes care of the kitchen.  If I need to get higher, such as to change the battery in the ceiling-mounted smoke detector, or to replace some burned-out light bulbs, there is an assortment of step-ladders, one inside and the rest in the outdoor closet off the patio, the condo version of a garage.

But my best Secret Weapon is that folding step stool that I picked up somewhere.  I keep it in the trunk of my car.  Whenever I go shopping, particularly in grocery stores, I take it out of the trunk and place it in the top part of the shopping cart, where small children sometimes sit.  And I’ve taken the precaution of labeling it with my name and phone number, just in case I accidentally leave it sitting on the floor somewhere.

It really is astonishing how many things I need or want that are placed on the top shelves.  Or could it all be a conspiracy?  All those tall people going to that much effort just to make my life difficult?  Seems like an awful lot of trouble for very little result.

Of course, I could wait for someone to come along and help me (“Customer support in the frozen fish section!”)  But I’m still a Do It Yourself kind of person.  I may be an Old Lady, but I’ll go on being self-sufficient for as long as I can.

Love, as always,



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