Love, As Always, Pete

The Weekly Letters, by A. Pedersen Wood

July 31, 2015

Dear Everyone:

Last week I drove up to Portland, Oregon for the annual ARMA* Regional Leadership Conference (RLC).  This year the Powers That Be (PTB) decided to combine the Pacific Region (Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada and Utah) with the Great Northwest Region (Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington).  Still not sure exactly why they did that, other than to reduce travel times for the PTB who come to all the various Regions.

The trip itself was fairly uneventful, if you don’t count not finding the hotel in Grants Pass, which is about 50 miles north of the California border.  After wandering around in “downtown” Grants Pass for a bit, I decided to follow the old adage:  “When all else fails, read the directions.”  Turns out, I should have taken the exit before Grants Pass, vaguely in the general vicinity of the tiny hamlet of Rogue River.

The next morning I took the precaution of memorizing the Google Map directions to the hotel in Portland:  Take I-5 North to I-405 North, then take Exit 1B at 4th Avenue to Lincoln Street.  It was as I was rounding the curve on I-405 to the 4th Avenue Exit, and realized that I had about three seconds to get across two lanes of merging-in traffic, that I suddenly realized, “Hey!  I remember this!”  40-some years ago, when I was attending Portland State University, I used to take this exact same route to the school.  It wasn’t called “Interstate 405” then, but it was just as treacherous then as it is now.

Once I was off the freeway, it only took about a half-dozen trips around the block to finally spot the hotel (in a classic you-can’t-get-there-from-here position between 4th and 3rd avenues) and find a way into the parking lot.

The Leadership Conference went about as they usually do.  My room wasn’t quite the furthest from the meeting space.  My electronic room key did work, most of the time.  As usual, the places chosen for the “evening before Get Together” and the “Fun Time Dinner” were too far away to walk to for anyone over 30.

By the way, we apparently have a new term for the “more mature” people:  “Seasoned”.  Maybe it has something to do with “salt-and-pepper” hair.

As for the two-day Conference itself.  We found out that ARMA now has a Chief Executive Officer (CEO).  The organization has always had a President and various Board Members and Committees and Departments and such.  And the people filling those roles have to know a lot about Records and Information Management (RIM), not to mention be elected by the overall members who are all there because of RIM.

Businesses have, over the years, discovered that “promoting through the ranks” doesn’t always work out all that well.  Knowing how to run a copy machine doesn’t automatically mean you know how to run a Copy Center.  Sometimes you’re a hit; sometimes you’re a miss.  Knowing all there is to know about RIM doesn’t mean you know how to run an international organization, even if it is a non-profit one.

So the PTB decided to hire a “rent-a-CEO”.  We’ll see how that goes.

Meanwhile, at the Conference, the hotel squeezed twelve round tables into a typical meeting room.  Then the PTB told everyone to keep switching tables so we could meet as many other people as possible.  Confer about typical issues, none of which were settled in any way, of course.  (How do we get more of our members to “participate”?  Have you tried bribery?)

Nevertheless, I met a number of people I wouldn’t have otherwise and, apparently, have acquired a new BFF**.  She’s emailed me three times so far this week, asking for advice, which is flattering in and of itself.

Once the Conference was over, I stopped by “Diana’s” place (our brother, “Byron’s” first ex-wife) for lunch and to see all of her kids and all of their kids.  Lots of great-nieces and great-nephews to keep track of these days.  Coming from a large family means an even larger extended family.

I had a much easier time finding the hotel “in” Grants Pass on the return trip.  After that it was a breeze sailing down I-5 to the Bay Area and home again.  Spent most of the time listening to CDs and CNN on the car radio.  Lots of talk about the Interminable Donald Trump.

I have a theory about Donald’s famous hair.  When Donny was about ten years old, Walt Disney released a series of TV shows starring Fess Parker as “Davy Crocket, King of the Wild Frontier”.  Every kid in America wanted an “official Davy Crocket Coonskin Cap”.  I have no idea if little Donny got his Coonskin Cap or not; but it looks to me like he’s still wearing it.

(“Born on a mountaintop in Tennessee, Greenest state in the Land of the Free…”)

Love, as always,



 *ARMA = Association of Records Managers and Administrators

**BFF = Best Friend Forever

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