Love, As Always, Pete

The Weekly Letters, by A. Pedersen Wood

June 28, 2013

Dear Everyone:

Well, the rumors are true:  I have, once again, returned to the ranks of the working class.

(Said rumors were spread by the Empress of Information, aka “Jeannie”, who used to be called the “Minister of Information”, but objected to the “minister” label.)

A few weeks ago, I was contacted by someone at the Operating Company that I was working for two years ago when said Operating Company decided, “We can hire a twenty something in a third world country to do your job for a lot less than we pay you.  Bye now!”  Or words to that effect.

In all fairness, the “severance package” (money the Company was willing to give you to shut up and go away) was two weeks’ pay for every year of service, up to 26 years; which, in my case, amounted to a year’s salary.  Guess what:  You can live for about a year on a year’s salary.  Even longer if you’re frugal.

So why did they contact me?  About ten years ago I was training people in how to use a document management system.  The Company is still using the system, to varying levels of success.  They’re planning a major overhaul of the system and realized they needed someone to help with training.  Apparently, my name came up in the conversation.

So why would I accept a job, as a contractor, not employee, of course, when I’ve been enjoying retirement so much?

Two things:

First:  It’s very satisfying to have them admit that they can’t seem to be able to do without me.

Second:  Training was the part of my (former) job that I enjoyed the most.  I really do like helping other people do their jobs better.  And, where training was largely sandwiched in between many other responsibilities before, this time it will be my only responsibility.  And let’s not forget that, as a contractor, I can “walk off the job” at any time.  Not that I would, of course.

But one of the first things I’ll be slipping into place will be “succession planning”.  As in, who’s going to do this when I’m gone?

After a couple of weeks of getting the contract into place and finding me a place to work in, my first day on the job was yesterday.  It didn’t take too long to realize that they weren’t quite ready for me.

Today being a Friday, most of the team was not going to be in the office.  So the Team Leader and I decided to put the whole thing “on hold” until Monday.  By then, hopefully, they’ll have a computer and a login ID for me to use and I can really get started going over the training materials that I left some years ago, which apparently no one has tried to update since.  And diving into the “New! and Improved!” system that will be going into production soon.

This is going to be so much fun!

Love, as always,



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