Love, As Always, Pete

The Weekly Letters, by A. Pedersen Wood

April  23, 1992

Dear Everyone:

Oh, the joys of owning your own home. 

Last month, it was the refrigerator.  This month:  The hot water heater. 

On the day that I received my Visa bill, with the charge for fixing the fridge, I discovered that my water heater had sprung a leak.  I discovered this when I was walking through the hallway and my foot said, "Hey, that's wet", which is not the way the hallway carpet should behave. 

In short investigation provided the source of the sogginess.  Where the inflow pipe goes into the heater, water was scribbling merrily out through a small hole.  Shades of downtown Chicago.  I thought, "duct tape".  (Too many years of watching MacGyver.)  I didn't have any duct tape, but I did have electrical tape, which I wrapped around the offending pipe fitting in hopes, not of stopping it, but of slowing it down while I got out the "Complete Fix It Yourself Repair Manual". 

The purpose of the Repair Manual is not so I can fix these things myself, although I have been known to replace a worn washer were two, but to explain to me what the repair man is saying when he shows up, particularly since nearly all repair men seem to have learned English as a second language.  The Repair Manual recommended, as an emergency measure, wrapping the leaking pipe with electrical tape. 

So far, so good. 

The Fixed It Yourself Manual did not then say, "Now, call repair man", but that's what I did.  The guy who fixed my fridge had a strong Hispanic accent this time, the accent was either German or Austrian.  He sounded like a thin Arnold Schwarzenegger. 

He explained that the "nipples are corroded", which, to someone of my gender, sounds too painful to contemplate.  He also showed me where the inflow shut-off valve was corroded as well and recommended replacing all three.  I said, "Go for it," and snuck a peek at the balance on my Visa bill to see if I could pay for this job with the same card. 

(Moral of the Story:  Don't open your Visa bill.) 

Checking that the heater tank itself was still intact, "Arnold" asked me, "You never open the closet to shake it?" 

Now, here I was, feeling guilty that I hadn't gotten around to at least trying to anchor the tank to the wall in case of earthquakes, and he wants me to shake it?  Then I realized, he meant check it.  The truth is, I check it frequently, looking at the bottom to see if the gas is on, which means I should wait after a hot bath before running the dishwasher.  That kind of checking. 

And, in fact, I'm sure I would've noticed if the floor of the closet was wet when I did check it.  More to the point, my bare feet would have noticed if the carpet had been wet before this.  But I must admit, I never looked up to see if my nipples were getting corroded.  Never entered my head.  After all, I bought the place, lock, stock and pipe fittings, less than five years ago. 

Arnold shut the main water valve off and had me turn several faucets on full to make sure the water was off.  It was, although Arnold kept going from the closet to the kitchen sink and back again, muttering "Is still water coming", which I did not find encouraging. 

Nevertheless, in just under an hour, with my help (I was the one on the other side of the furnace shining a flashlight at the pipes that Arnold was soldering), he had the pipes replaced and turned the main valve back on.  Whereupon the kitchen faucet, which had been left on, managed to spray water everywhere except into the sink.  I've been meaning to clean that aerator for several weeks. 

Arnold guaranteed the new pipes, etc., for a year and left with a cheerful "You should look for no more problems."  Hey!  I wasn’t looking for this one! 

A wise person told me, at the time that I bought this place, that "buying a home means getting to know your hardware store very well."  This weekend, I guess I'll get a new aerator and replace a few worn washers.  I've been meaning to do it for months.  As for tonight, in addition to paying my Visa bill, I'll be washing a lot of wet towels. 

Everyone have a good weekend.  And, if you haven't done it in the last five years, go shake your water heater. 

Love, as always, 



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