Love, As Always, Pete

The Weekly Letters, by A. Pedersen Wood

October 10, 1990

Dear Everyone:

The last thing I did last Friday, at the end of a 12 hour day, was to order myself a new PC.  For good measure, I ordered one for “Carla Doran”, too. 

Actually, it was “Carla” who sort of precipitated the whole thing.  Of all of us in Records Management, “Carla” and “Melanie” are the only ones who don’t have a PC, or at least a mainframe terminal on their desks.  Naturally, they feel left out.  Whenever they need to use one, they either have to invade someone else’s work area or use the “free” PC at an unoccupied work station tucked away in the corner of “Carla”/”Jane”/”Rowena’s” office.  Which, of course, is a hassle for all concerned. 

Last year, “Ashley” put money into this year’s budget for two new PC’s.  “Robin Cameron” (now “Robin Parson”, she married some upper executive recently) took the money out of the budget; we couldn’t afford them.  “Ashley” went back and talked her into putting the money back in.  However, he sort of forgot to tell any of us. 

About a month, or so ago, at a Staff meeting, “Carla” groused about the fact that she still doesn’t have a PC and when are they going to put it in the budget?  “Ashley” said the money was already in the budget and had been all year.  I missed this particular meeting as I was testing with “Eugene” in CITC in “Pleasanton”; but “Kevin” told me later that “Carla” went completely through the roof – quite a sight when you consider that we’re on the 13th floor of a 40 story building. 

“Ashley” responded to this the way he responds to any crisis:  He delegated it.  To me.  Actually, he handed some notes from when he ordered his new PC, which he got last year, to “Alma” to give to me because he was going out of town.  So when I got in Monday morning, “Alma” gave them to me to order the PC’s.  Once I’d deciphered his notes, it seemed pretty simple.  In fact, the only reason “Ashley” hadn’t done it all year was that he hadn’t got around to it. 

Because PC equipment is constantly being upgraded, you want to know what the latest version is.  For this I went to “Cindy” in PC support, a very nice lady who has helped me out a number of times.  Together, we went through “Ashley’s” list, finding the latest names for all of the equipment and software that we needed. 

Then it was a simple matter to send a PROFS note to the PC Order people.  PROFS is the PRofessional OFfice System, a program developed by IBM.  Anyone in Company who has an id on PROFS can send a “Note” to anyone else who has a PROFS id.  And more and more, orders are being done electronically.  If you want a PC, you order it through PROFS.  If you want to sign up for a class, same thing. 

Every time you send a PROFS Note, unless you tell it otherwise, the computer puts a copy in your “Note Log”.  Some people just keep sending out Notes until they get a notice from PROFS that their “Note Log” is getting too large for PROFS to handle and they say, “What’s a Note Log?”  More sophisticated users file their notes by subject, instructing the computer to file the note in a special log.  For instance, any notes I send or receive that have to do with “Public Manipulation” go into the “Public Log”.  CITC “Cognitive Resources” notes go into “CITCCR Log”.  Then, when I need to find a note again, instead of going through a miscellaneous “Note Log”, I only have to figure out which of 97 other logs I filed it in.  Simple. 

So, I sent a note to the PC people and they sent a note back that they had a special going:  A “pre-configured package” that can be delivered within 3 days of their getting the signed order.  The package consisted of the basic IBM PS/2 55X with selected software.  Any other software, you added onto the bottom of the form. 

This was too easy.  “Alma” wanted to know how much the PC would be without the software, thinking she’d charge the PC to one budget and the software to another.  Then “Ashley” got back from his trip and wanted to know if the “Dell” was cheaper.  Apparently the “Dell” is an IBM PC clone.  So I kept PROFSing notes back and forth with the PC people (“PROFSing” has become a verb around here) and asking “Cindy” lots of questions until “Alma” and “Ashley” decided to go ahead and order the Dell PC equipment and get the software separately. 

So what happened?  While we were stumbling around trying to make a decision (honestly, I’ve bought cars and a condominium with less time spent on comparison pricing), IBM and Dell got into a price war.  Now the Dell also comes with a “pre-configured package” very similar to the IBM one.  Who says it doesn’t pay to procrastinate? 

Now, you may have noticed that I already have a PC, so why do I need a new one?  As soon as all this new equipment arrives, we are (which is to say, I am) going to play musical PC’s.  “Carla” gets one of the new Dells.  I get the other.  “Rowena” gets a new monitor (she refuses to use her WordPerfect until she gets a color monitor).  “Alma’s” terminal gets switched to the one at the “unoccupied” work station.  The PC from the “unoccupied” work station goes to “Kevin”.  “Kevin’s” goes to “Melanie” and all will be right with the world. 

Think of it as a variation on the old nursery rhyme: 

Ring around the Rosey,

Pockets full of PC’s,

Software, software,

All fall down. 

In other news… 

I am not, repeat not going to the Bahamas.  Company International Oil Co (CIOC) sold the refinery there and they want a Records Management person to fly to the Bahamas with them to make sure they box up all the records correctly (they’ve offered to pay all expenses).  When I heard “Alma” mention it, the first thing that entered my head was:  “Don’t pick me.  The last thing I need right now is an all expenses paid trip to the Caribbean.” 

I’m too busy with the Billing System mess.  More about that another time. 

Love, as always, 



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