Love, As Always, Pete

The Weekly Letters, by A. Pedersen Wood

December 8, 1988

Dear Everyone:

The Good News is that I’m on Vacation this week.

The Bad News is that my furnace isn’t working and I have no heat.

The Good News is that I don’t think there’s anything wrong with the furnace itself; it’s the thermostat that’s on the blink (I think).

The Bad News is that no one can come to look at it until Friday.

The Good News is that the weather continues fair and mild, so the temperature inside hasn’t dropped below 65.

The Bad News is that we still desperately need rain (and lots of snow in the mountains).  I, for one, am not looking forward to water rationing next year; and we can all look forward to higher prices for produce if Southern California can’t use our water for their crops.

The Good News is that I bought a warm, fluffy sweatshirt in Ashland last summer, so I have plenty of warm things to wear until the man comes to fix the heat.

We’ll stop with Good News.

Last Saturday, “Jeannie” and I went to see Penn and Teller.  They are a team of magicians who perform an illusion, then show you how they did it.  Penn talks a mile-a-minute; Teller is a master of the pained double-take as he realizes that his partner, who has locked him into a straitjacket, is about to drop him onto a bed of nails while reciting Casey at the Bat.

This will have to be a short Letter, this week.  The only reason I’m in the office at all today is because we’re going to a Workshop at the TAB company.  TAB makes filing equipment and supplies and the company has offered to set up a workshop for us similar to what they do for their own people.  Today is the best day for everyone else.  “Alma” “asked” me if I could come in, even though I’m on vacation this week.

The Good News is that I get Monday off to make up for today.

A Monday off is always Good News.

Everybody pray for rain and lots of snow in the mountains. 

Love, as always,



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