Love, As Always, Pete

The Weekly Letters, by A. Pedersen Wood

August 27, 2021

Dear Everyone:

It’s been about 88 days since Something declared war on my left leg.  Since then I’ve seen doctors, technicians, nurses, nursing assistants, therapists, etc.  So far, no one seems to have a clue as to what’s going on.

The day before yesterday, we met with my Primary Care Physician (PCP).  By “we” I mean “Jeannie” and me.  “Jeannie” is having great fun being my “Patient Advocate”.  This is particularly ironic since “Jeannie” has less patience than an exceptionally grumpy two-year-old.  She gave the PCP her interpretation of what happened.

The PCP took copious notes and decided to refer me to a vascular surgeon, who just happens to be part of her Medical Group.  The vascular surgeon won’t see me until I’ve been through yet another ultrasound test in both legs.  That was this afternoon.

If you’ve never had an ultrasound, it seems to consist of the patient (me) lying, without any pants, on a special table.  The technician squirts special glop on a magic wand and proceeds to paint arabesques up and down my legs.  It doesn’t hurt.  It doesn’t even tickle.

It does leave a gloppy mess afterwards.  It is best to wear loose clothing that can go directly into the hamper upon arriving at home.  It works for me.

Meanwhile, the pain in my left leg is lessening.  But it’s not all tea-and-crumpets, whatever crumpets* are.  I’m still using a walker just to get around in the house.  On the Plus Side, I’ve been able to hobble out to my car, wrestle the walker into the back seat and drive myself to the pharmacy, or the doctor’s office, or the ultrasound clinic.  This leaves “Jeannie” free to work, which is important, of course.

Next week, I’ll drive myself to the vascular surgeon to find out what he makes of the ultrasound.  “Jeannie” wants to be there, but she may have to defer to her own work.

(*Crumpets are small round pieces of bread flattened and cooked on a griddle instead of in an oven.  They mostly resemble what we call an “English Muffin”.  Fancy an “Egg McCrumpet”?)

Love, as always,



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