Love, As Always, Pete

The Weekly Letters, by A. Pedersen Wood

April 9, 2021

Dear Everyone:

My new cart arrived yesterday, while I was in a Zoom meeting with “The Wood Family”.  In this case, the meeting consisted of “Jeannie”, “Frankie”, “Park” and “Rosa”, with “Alice” valiantly trying to connect with her recalcitrant machine.  I’m not sure why “Alice” has so much trouble.  It’s enough to make a person consider giving up on technology altogether.

This weekly meeting started last year when we all suddenly couldn’t fly across the country or even go out to lunch on the weekends.  I set up a Zoom meeting that went well, so we decided to meet regularly, just to keep in touch.  Recently, one person requested that we change the day of the week; and another person suggested adding “the boys”.  I dutifully added their email addresses to the previous ones when I regularly send out the announcement and link for the upcoming meeting.

So far, changing from Mondays to Thursdays has worked out OK.  As for “the boys”, they apparently have better things to do.  So, in the past two weeks, we’re 2 for 2 in meeting on Thursday; and 0 for 2 in seeing any of the menfolk.

During this week’s meeting, my cell phone made that charming noise that indicates something has happened.  It could be

An email has arrived

A text message has arrived

A “terribly important” notification from Google has arrived

A “terribly important” notification from Samsung has arrived

The latter two are eminently ignorable.

In this case, it was a text message that one of my orders had arrived.  I got up and went to the front door.  Sure enough, there was a large, slightly-battered cardboard box sitting against the wall.  I definitely did not hear a knock on the door to indicate that UPS had made a delivery.

My previous upstairs neighbors had two dogs who set up a considerable racket whenever the UPS truck stopped in front of our building.  There are times when I miss those dogs.

In any case, the order had arrived.  Now I just had to deal with the “Some assembly required” part.  The cart consisted of three shelves, four casters and eight connecting posts.

Putting the whole thing together was actually quite easy, although my new upstairs neighbors might have wondered about the “Whack!  Whack!  Whack!” coming from below their dining room.

Having that rubber mallet made all the difference.  Now that I have one, it will be a temptation to see where it might come in handy.  (“I’ll bet I can ‘Whack!’ that thing into position any time I want to.”)

Once assembled, I realized that the new cart was larger than the old one.  Specifically, it is several inches taller.  No problem.  When I’m taking clothes out of the dryer, I’m usually standing on a small step stool, so dropping things into the basket on top of the cart will not present any difficulty.

More importantly, the new cart is large enough to accommodate the plastic laundry basket on the second shelf!  Many is the time that I’ve wished I could stash that basket on the lower shelf and now I can.  Oh, frabjous joy!

This morning I took it for a “Test Drive” in which it performed admirably.  Just a little “spin around the block”, but it indicates that the large wheels go over the carpet easily and it manages the tight, almost hairpin, turns going from one bedroom into the hallway and back into the other bedroom with simple grace.

Technically, it’s a “book cart”, but it makes a very agreeable laundry cart and general utility transport.  Five stars and a favorable review on its way.

Love, as always,



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