Love, As Always, Pete

The Weekly Letters, by A. Pedersen Wood

January 8, 2021

Dear Everyone:

Happy New Year!

Oh, my goodness.

Just when we think the Narcissist-in-Chief can’t drag us any further down his personal Rabbit Hole, he proves us wrong.

This week, he made history, when he encouraged hundreds of his self-deluded followers to storm the barricades and seize control of the Capitol in an effort to thwart the formality of affirming the Electoral College’s conclusion that Trump did not get reelected as President.

Yes, Trump lost the election of 2020; but that doesn’t mean he has to accept the facts.  After all, he’s been spinning “alternative facts” for far more than the just last five years.  This time, he pulled his “look over there!” act by insisting that he couldn’t possibly have lost, therefore the election had to have been “rigged”.  He doesn’t need proof.  He knows it’s true.

As do his fervent followers.  They know that Covid-19 is a “Democratic Hoax” designed to rob them of their rights, including the right to not wear a mask in public, the right to attend popular sporting events, the right to go to a concert, eat at a restaurant, and most importantly, the right to get a haircut!!!

As Trump said himself, while attempting to coerce the Georgia Secretary of State, “People are angry.”  Indeed they were and Trump decided to use that anger to his advantage.  This week, he activated “Trump’s Thugs” by inciting a riot.  In writing, where everyone can see it.  That one is going to be difficult to deny in court.

Even now charges are being made against people who are being arrested.  Many of them incriminated themselves by posting photos of their “achievements”, like the guy sitting with his feet up on Nancy Pelosi’s desk.

“Reading the Riot Act” is not just an expression.  It comes from a time when someone would face an angry crowd and, literally, read the text of the Act out loud to them, letting them know precisely what would happen if they did not disperse.  Ironically, the Act invokes the President’s authority.  In this case, it was the President who incited the riot.

Bear in mind that this is the same person who boasted that he could shoot someone in the middle of New York City’s 5th Avenue and not suffer any consequences.  Unfortunately, this is not a good defense when a person is charged with accessory to murder.

Of course, Trump has been aided and abetted by numerous Republican politicians, including “Lyin’ Ted” Cruz and the imbecilic Lindsay Graham.  Collectively, we can dub these people “Craven Pieces of Crap”, or CPOC.

Now count the number of CPOC’s who are calling for Trump to resign.  Hundreds of thousands of Americans have died through his incompetence, but when it’s their wellbeing that was threatened, suddenly “he’s gone too far!”

The important thing is to remember their names.  When the midterm elections come up, every one of them should have “CPOC” emblazoned across their faces.

Meanwhile, back in the real world…

Sometime last week, “Jeannie” had a question about using her “new” smartphone, which is actually my “old” one.  When I got a new smartphone, I gave the old one to her as a “hand-me-down”.  She had called me on her cordless “house” phone so she could work with the cell phone independently.

As I tried to explain to her how to use a particular application (“app”), her voice suddenly got muffled.

“Jeannie”:  “Mmph-hhm-mphm…”

Me:  “I can’t hear you.”

“Jeannie”:  “Mmph-hhm-mphm…”

Me:  “I can’t hear you.”

“Jeannie”:  “Mmph-hhm-mphm…”


Finally, her voice became more distinct, which is when I discovered what had happened.

She had tucked the cordless phone under her chin so she could have both hands free.  Only instead of the phone, it was the television remote control she had under her chin. 

To add to the confusion, this is a “voice” remote control, which means you can give the TV/cable box verbal instructions.  So not only was I perplexed, but so was the hapless TV.

In the end, I don’t know if we fixed the problem with the cell phone or not.

Rinse, repeat.

Love, as always,



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