Love, As Always, Pete

The Weekly Letters, by A. Pedersen Wood

November 27, 2020

Dear Everyone:

I hope everyone had a Safe and Happy Thanksgiving.

Things to be Thankful For:

That almost everyone we know and love who has been immediately challenged by Covid-19 has recovered or is well on the way to recovery (knock on wood – no pun intended).

That “Frankie” is out of the hospital, and safe and sound back at home after a harrowing few weeks brought on by a brain aneurysm last month.  Keep up the good work, “Frankie”!

Also, I love her new hairstyle.  One of my neighbors, I learned while chatting with his visiting mother one day, keeps his hair at about a quarter-inch “buzz cut” because he says it’s easier to manage.  Plus it looks great on him.  You know what they say:  God only made a few really good heads; the rest He covered with hair.

Additional things to be Thankful For:

The technology that lets us visit and shop in safety.

That the rally-hopping, flag-humping narcissistic dilettante currently infesting the Oval Office will soon be on his way out the door.  And then there’s Melania, who went from soon-to-be-washed-up fashion model to trophy wife to, of all things under the sun, First Lady, a role for which, unlike most political wives, she was eminently unprepared.

Nevertheless, let us remember that, of those members of the eligible population who made the effort, in many cases dangerously, to vote this year, nearly half actually wanted another four years of Edge-of-Insanity.  People who abjectly believe the Crybaby-in-Chief when he whines about how the Election was “stolen” from him.

(He can’t claim his dog ate the ballots because he’s never been allowed to keep a pet.  Which is a good thing for the pets.)

For centuries, being born with white skin and a penis meant that some people automatically went straight to the head of the line.  Waiting their turn was for “lesser” folk.  In the past 100 years, many of those preferences have been falling away.  For some people, this is not a reason to celebrate.  Instead, like the man in the White House, it’s a reason to complain about things suddenly becoming “unfair”.

For everyone to be treated “fairly” is “unfair” to those who always got preferential treatment, even if they were unaware of it.  There are a lot of people who are intrinsically unhappy with Politics-as-Usual.  Will the politicians pay any attention?  Only time will tell.

Don’t you wish you had a Time Machine so you could hop forward a few dozen years, not just to see which stock prices would be up, but to see what lessons had been learned, if any?  What will future historians make of this Amok Time?

As for hoping for things to get Back to Normal:

Let’s not hope for a “Return to Normal”, because this is Normal now.  Instead of running like a frightened horse back into the burning barn, let’s work towards a better future.  One where we don’t have to remember to wear a mask whenever we leave the house, because everyone is safe from the latest killer virus.

And because, when the next pandemic strikes, and it will, we’ll have a Leader who knows how to lead.  That’s something worth hoping for.

Love, as always,



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