Love, As Always, Pete

The Weekly Letters, by A. Pedersen Wood

November 13, 2020

Dear Everyone:

Greetings upon this Friday the Thirteenth.  This is the second Friday the Thirteenth in the year 2020.  The last one was in March.  Does it feel like every month has had one this year?  So much has happened in 2020.

The Coronavirus Pandemic.  The economic collapse caused by the Pandemic.  Still stuck with Donald the Magnificent, doing nothing about the Pandemic and the resultant economic collapse, not to mention doing his level best to prevent the Will of the People, i.e., the election of Joe Biden as the new President from actually taking place.

At the end of Election Day, 2020, they were still counting votes.  It was too soon to know which Candidate had reached the necessary number to achieve victory.

Last Saturday morning, as I did my exercise routine, they were still counting votes.  I went to take my morning shower.  When I came out and turned the TV on, the banner read “President-Elect Biden”.  I guess they had counted enough votes, although they have continued to count votes all this week.

The TV showed people all around the country, all over the world, literally dancing in the streets.  Had I been younger, I might have danced on top of my bed, singing “Ding, Dong, the Witch is Dead!”  But I didn’t.  At my age, I’m not risking breaking anything, no matter who won the Election.

That joyous sound you keep hearing is the populous singing and dancing in the streets.  That Snap! Crackle! Pop! you keep hearing is the thin ice that Donald’s been skating on for the past four years, finally giving way.  That whirring sound you keep hearing is George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams and a whole host of others, all spinning in their graves as Donald tries desperately to pretend that he’s still In Charge.

Just think:  Two months from now, Donald Trump will no longer be President, no matter what happens.  And his collapsing pyramid of “advisors” and not-quite-really Cabinet members will melt away.

Remember his choice for Secretary of Education, a woman whose own education appears to have skipped directly from Kindergarten to Finishing School.  During a 60 Minutes interview that she showed that she has a brilliant smile, flawless manners and absolutely no idea what “doing your homework” means.

Not that Donald is giving up without a fight.  He didn’t even win without a fight the first time around.  Now he’s spouting nonsense about how the Election was “stolen” by…well, somebody!  Unfortunately for Donald, every time one of his lawyers goes into court to file a lawsuit, the court asks for evidence and…well, Donald is sure it’s somewhere!

What will Donald do next?

Here’s what I think:  He’ll start his own TV show, similar to Rush Limbaugh and Geraldo Rivera, allowing him to spend at least an hour each time complaining about the “radical liberals” who are ruining “his” country with their “socialist agenda” whatever that is.

Around 70,000,000 people will tune in and agree with him, no matter what he says.

And he’ll announce that he’s running for President in 2024.  It’s never too early to start.

Love, as always,



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