Love, As Always, Pete

The Weekly Letters, by A. Pedersen Wood

October 2, 2020

Dear Everyone:

Yes, great-great-grandchildren (if I had any), I did see the Horrifying-and-Possibly-Only Presidential Debate of 2020.  It was a wonderful sight to behold.  Certainly, I sat there wondering:  How could it go so wrong so quickly?  And wondering:  Could it possibly get any worse?  And yes, it did.

Ever watch Saturday Night Wrestling?  Well, this was an oral version of that.

Afterward, some people desperately searched through their collective thesauri looking for words to adequately describe …”an embarrassing debacle…”  That was putting it kindly.

I’m sure you’ve seen a real debate.

The Rules are clearly proclaimed ahead of time.  Both Candidates agree to follow the Rules.  The Moderator asks a probing question.  Candidate A has a set amount of time to respond.  Then Candidate B has an equal amount of time to rebut.  Then Candidate A is allowed to rebut the rebuttal, and so on.  All very polite and civilized.

But this was not a Real Debate.  This was “a storm inside a dumpster fire inside a train wreck.”  And all because of one person:  Donald J Trump.

This was Donald, unleashed, running around in circles to avoid answering even one question.

The first thing he did was to throw the Rules to the floor and stomp on them.  Then he started breaking everything in sight.  It was like watching a petulant five-year-old who was losing at “Chutes and Ladders” throwing the board across the room.

He was constantly interrupting his Worthy Opponent, interrupting the Hapless Moderator, interrupting Himself.  He seemed incapable of uttering a complete sentence.  It was, in essence, 90 minutes of Trump’s verbal diarrhea.

Even when the Moderator gave him such an easy question that it was the oratory equivalent of a volleyball setup to spike the answer, Trump couldn’t do it.

Given the opportunity to tell all White Supremacy groups to “stand down and shut up!”, Trump pronounced:  “Stand back and stand by”.  Which could simply mean he doesn’t know his prepositions.

While Trump likes to make broad, generalized statements, as soon as someone starts pinning him down, he demands specifics (“Name a group”), then declares that he knows nothing about that specific group or individual.

During his first campaign, when asked about the KKK endorsing him, he insisted: “I don’t know anything about David Duke; I’ve never met him.”

This time, he made a lukewarm “condemnation” of violent extremist groups, but quickly added, like a schoolyard combatant (“They started it!”), that “somebody has to do something about those ‘antifa’ and other radical leftists…”

The simple fact of the matter is that Trump wants to avoid alienating White Supremacists for two basic reasons.  1) He agrees with them.  2) He needs their collective votes.  He doesn’t want to “lose” his imaginary army of adherents.

Consequently, he remains firmly entrenched in ambiguity.

Did he succeed in luring any undecided voters over to his side?  Probably not.

Is anyone still talking about Trump’s financial records?  Not so much.

Mission Accomplished, as far as Trump is concerned.

As for me, in going through my alphabetical list of “Words to Describe Donald Trump” (Arrogant, Bully, Coward…), I may have to replace “Bully” with “Babbling” and “Deceitful” (“That man has more deceit in his little finger than most people have in their entire bodies”) with “Deranged”.

Other than that, it’s Business as Usual in Washington, D.C.

Love, as always,



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