Love, As Always, Pete

The Weekly Letters, by A. Pedersen Wood

April 3, 2020

Dear Everyone:

There is an ancient Chinese curse that says, “May you live in An Interesting Time!”

I’m not sure quite what we all did to deserve this, but I think this does qualify as An Interesting Time.

In fact, I sometimes wish I had a Time Machine so that I could jump ahead fifty years or so, just to see what future historians make of this period.  And, coincidentally, to find out what IBM stock is selling for then.  Just curious.

I doubt that our current President gives much thought to how he will be portrayed by those historians.  Trump lives in the moment.  But consider how others are depicted:

The Emperor Nero is famous for ignoring the conflagration while the city of Rome went up in flames.  “Nero ‘fiddled’ while Rome burned.”  Of course, the fiddle, another name for the violin, would not be invented for another nine centuries, but the general gist is that the Guy in Charge did nothing.  Frankly, not a Good Look.

Then there was Marie Antoinette, Queen of France, caught up in the French Revolution.  When informed that the peasants were rioting due to a lack of bread, she is credited with advising, “Let them eat cake.”  Of course, there is no evidence that she said anything of the sort, but history has a way of sticking it to you if you’re not careful.

And now we have Trump, The Incompetent, facing a global pandemic, alternating between denying its actual existence and claiming to have anticipated it in advance of everyone else, responding by putting his feckless son-in-law in charge.  Lord save us from anything that Interesting.

In the meantime, I have been filling my time by making face masks.  Of course, they are not of medical quality.  They just cover the nose and mouth and remind the wearer not to touch said nose-and-mouth until they get home, take off the mask, and wash their hands for “Two ‘Happy Birthdays’”.

Nor are they meant to be a substitute for Physical Distancing, which means staying at least six feet away from the nearest person.  This is becoming easier as all the stores I’ve visited in the past two weeks now have tape markers on the floor.  One store even has big pink footprints, set six feet apart, attached to the floor approaching the cashiers.

The stores are now prohibiting bringing your own shopping bags with you.  In other words, “Keep your germy bags to yourself!”  An Interesting departure from “We’re charging you 10¢ each to provide you with bags.”

I predict that the day is coming when it will no longer be socially acceptable to leave the house without a mask covering your face.  I’ve already been wearing mine for the last two weeks.

Last week I learned that our local branches of a national grocery chain store had implemented a new policy of limiting shopping to Seniors before 9:00 am on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  When I went in, wearing my usual mask, one of the Assistant Managers was stopping anyone who looked obviously under 60.  (At last, that gray hair is paying off!)

She asked me where I got the mask.  When I said I had made it, she offered to buy one from me.  Later that day, I went back with a couple of just-completed masks and gave them to her, naturally refusing any payment.

“Eva” is my newest Best Friend Forever.  She gave me her phone extension to call and request anything she can put “on hold” for me in the future.

I also heard some comic announcing that the state of Florida was ordering an equal limitation of “Seniors Only” in all stores for the entire state.  He added, “The other ten people in the state were delighted to have the stores to themselves for the rest of the day!”

Love, as always,



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