Love, As Always, Pete

The Weekly Letters, by A. Pedersen Wood

November 29, 2019

Dear Everyone:

I begin by hoping that everyone had a very Happy Thanksgiving.

“Jeannie” came to my place and we sat around eating junk food and watching The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel on my television.  Eventually, we dined on filet mignon and twice-baked potatoes, with green beans for a garnish and apple pie for dessert.

In the meantime, “Marshall” hunkered down in Fresno, avoiding the deadly valley fog.  We’ll be seeing plenty of each other next weekend in Tucson.  As I understand it, “Richard” gave an invitation to spend Thanksgiving at his place in Arizona.  But we all agreed that it made much better sense to wait until the week after Thanksgiving to get together.  After all, with the exception of “Jeannie”, we’re all retired now, unfettered by work hours, and can move about the country when it suits us, instead of enduring the mass of travelers rushing to and fro when it suits their respective employers.  So that’s that.

In the meantime…  I have a new kick:  Audible books.

It all began a couple of months ago when I was getting ready for cataract surgery.  The eye surgeon, in one of many, many prerecorded videos, advised total relaxation after the actual procedure.  No watching TV.  No working/playing on the computer (that includes eBay!)  No reading.  Just lie back and keep your eyes closed for the rest of the day.  Listen to a “book on tape”.

Of course, the doctor was dating himself.  No one listens to tapes anymore.  But I discovered that the Android tablet that I had acquired some months ago already had the application to download and listen to audio books.

Needless to say, after a few hours I had little need to listen to the first book until the next eye surgery four weeks later.  Again, a few hours was all that was needed.

Then came one of those days when every channel seemed glued to some interminable Congressional hearing.  Hour after hour of Representatives intoning the virtues of their respective sides, in discourses thinly disguised as a “question” with a pre-ordained “answer”.

The exception, of course, was the Ambassador to the European Union, who cheerfully blurted out, “Yes.  There was a quid pro quo.  Everyone was in the loop.”

So I pulled out the tablet and listened to The Secret Garden while performing my daily physical therapy exercises.  The exercises, in total, take about an hour.  Each day, I listened to an hour of the book, much as I had back in the Third Grade, when Sister Mary Fill-In-Blank first introduced us to the magical story.

In time, the House of Representatives concluded their inquisition and all the news channels went back to their normal reiterations of the same news hour after hour.  At about the same time, I came to the very satisfying end of the book.

I could have gone back to listening to the news every day, pausing my exercises long enough to either mute, unmute, the TV when the commercial breaks began and ended.  But I had found I rather liked listening to the written word instead.

So I downloaded another book, which I happen to have read at least a half-dozen times over the years.  This way, there are no surprises, requiring going back to the beginning of the chapter to try and figure out what just happened; no sudden twists; no reintroduction of a character last mentioned a hundred pages ago.

I know the story quite well, a novel loosely based on the Arthurian Legend.  I won’t say that I actually look forward to the daily exercises, but I do look forward to the hourly narration.

So far, I have eluded the Audible “Book Club” which keeps sending me messages extolling the “virtues” of joining them.  “Get your next book for X% off!”  And so on…

No thanks.  I made that mistake many decades ago, when I was still in college, with the “Record of the Month” scam.

Programming Note:  As mentioned above, we will all be flying off to Tucson next Thursday for a long weekend to celebrate our own Thanksgiving with “Richard” and “Marge”.  So no Letter next week.

Love, as always,



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