Love, As Always, Pete

The Weekly Letters, by A. Pedersen Wood

March 8, 2012

Dear Everyone:

One of the disadvantages to being “retired” (spelled u-n-e-m-p-l-o-y-e-d) is seeing the “news” on TV all day long.  (The alternative is “daytime television”, or the Hallmark Movie Channel.  Need I say more?)  To wit:  The national “beauty contestsquabbling over a Republican candidate for the Presidential election, which doesn’t take place until next November.

Ask a politician the time of day, and you get a basket-full of “talking points”.  What you will never get is a straight answer.  “Getting rid of Obama is the answer!”  What’s the question?  Doesn’t matter!  Just get rid of (fill in blank)!

Quick:  Describe the candidates in one word.

Mitt Romney:  Rich.  In fact, he’s Ritchie Rich, the comic book protagonist who buys whatever he wants with great piles of cash.  He’s a rich man’s son who “knows business”, if knowing business means starting out in the Board Room, not the Mail Room.  And since when would “knowing business” work in the White House?

Yes, he wears jeans; but that doesn’t make him a “pithy Man of the People”.  Any time he gets away from his “talking points”, he trips over his own pith (“I’m not worried about the poor…”)  And I suspect that he secretly sends those jeans out to be dry-cleaned.

Rick Santorum:  That’s easy:  Medieval.  He thinks the role of government is to keep all women barefoot and pregnant.

Newt Gingrich:  Newt?  Who names their child “Newt”?  In any case, he reminds me of a character in a Tom Clancy novel.  Clancy described a career politician (hello?) as having always worked “in public service”; which was another way of saying he had never held down a real job.  In one word:  Politician.  ‘Nuff said.

Ron Paul:  Um.  Is “fuddy-duddy” one word, or two?  OK, how about picayune?

And then there’s good, ol’ Rush Limbaugh (not actively seeking election just now.)  He called a thirty-something college law student a “slut” and a “prostitute” because she spoke before a Congressional meeting about wanting contraception medications, used for birth control and other conditions, to be covered by “standard” health care.

OK, here’s the thing about Rush:  He’s basically the national version of that annoying little brother who put a dead mouse in your underwear drawer, just for the fun of it.

Shriek!  Consternation!  And there’s Rush, beaming with the attention he just got which, when all is said and done, is what he craves the most.

Then, when it blew up in his face, he trotted out the tried-and-true “it was just a joke” mea culpa.  You know, “those people” (homosexuals, blacks, women, immigrants, legal and otherwise, anybody-who’s-not-Rush) have no sense of humor.  Query:  If Rush had called an African American male the “N” word, would that childish excuse have bought him anything?  To be sure, Rush “apologized”.  And now he’s happily wallowing in the garbage, searching for another dead mouse.

Just think:  We have another seven months of this nonsense to look forward to.

Love, as always,



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