Love, As Always, Pete

The Weekly Letters, by A. Pedersen Wood

June 10, 2010

Dear Everyone:

Still on the subject of the Computer Based Training (CBT) for the document management system.

Last Friday, I put what I thought were the "final touches" on the draft of the Module 5 Lab simulation.  This is where we create a simulation that takes the user through the steps to create a new document from within the document management system.  We also show the user how to import an already existing document into the system.  I was pretty well pleased with most of it.  There was a small group of slides in the middle that I still wasn't quite happy with, but I was ready to begin the voiceover, also known as narration.

I broke the whole thing down to individual slides, there were about 115 of them, typing up what to say for each slide.  The first few had whole paragraphs such as:  "In this simulation, we will see how to create a document within the system..."  Others were very simple and straight-forward:  "Click the document name."

By Friday afternoon, I was ready to begin recording, so I began to look for the recording equipment.  And look.  And look...

The "box" was not in the Director's office.  It might be in the Manager's office, but I didn't have access to that room.  Eventually, I found it in the office of another co-worker who, thankfully, does not lock her door.

So I was able to record over 100 snippets of voice, each numbered to coincide with the appropriate slide.  However, one part didn't "flow" well, so I redid it.  Which requires new voiceovers to be recorded.  But first I had to renumber half the slides, then make sure the voiceovers were renumbered appropriately.  As of this afternoon, Module 5 Lab simulation is comprised of 113 slides.  Six have to be rerecorded, with two new ones.

I'm hoping to start recording first thing tomorrow morning, before that co-worker gets into her office and discovers that the "box" is not on the floor where it should be.  I had hoped to ask some people where the other "box" is kept, but they were all behind closed doors this afternoon.  Nevertheless, I expect to have Module 5 completed and uploaded for testing by the end of business tomorrow.

Then it's on to Module 6:  How to Modify existing documents and let's talk about those Optional Properties.

In other news…

Our youngest sister, “Alice”, is coming for a visit.  She is set to arrive this Saturday.  “Jeannie” will either meet her at the airport or pick her up at one of the BART stations.  (Bay Area Rapid Transit, for non-Bay Area folks.)  I plan to join them at “Jeannie’s” place on Sunday, when we’ll go somewhere for lunch, or do some shopping, or who knows?

“Alice” will be here for a week, leaving the following Saturday, June 19th, which happens to be the next time “Jeannie” and I get our hair cut.  So we should have lots of fun next week. 

Love, as always,



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