Love, As Always, Pete

The Weekly Letters, by A. Pedersen Wood

December 16, 2009

Dear Everyone:

I have just about completed my Holiday shopping, which is pretty good considering I only started this Monday.  I know exactly what I’m going to get for “Jeannie” for her birthday, which is this Saturday; I only have to figure out where to get it.  I still have to wrap, package and ship things, but I’ll have a little time after work tomorrow and Friday.  So I’m reasonably certain that things will arrive on time at various locations.

One of the things I got done last weekend was the annual charitable donations.  I’m a little better organized in this than in previous years.  Now that the IRS requires a physical mailing address for all recipients, I have all the names and addresses in a spreadsheet.  So I can just go down the list, find the appropriate envelopes in the “beggars box” and dump all the extras into the recycle bin.  Certain people will be relieved to know that Habitat for Humanity and Maine Coon Adoptions received their usual contributions.

As for work, my decommissioning project jumped into high gear this week with the realization that some forms had not been sent out for signature, or had not been signed yet.  I’m not sure how I wound up being the person in charge of the actual mailing out and receiving back of emails and forms.  I’m really only supposed to be the records retention consultant.  But when the emailing of the forms came up, apparently my organizational skills leaped into action and now I’m the “go to” person for it.  Fortunately, the project’s manager starts her vacation tomorrow and doesn’t return until a week after I do, so things should remain calm for now.

The other part of my current work, the IM Academy, has kept me nicely busy.  They decided to hold an additional class this month for the SharePoint for Power Users class because there were so many people piling up on the waiting list.  So, in addition to one class in “Hobby” yesterday and today, there’s another class in “Pleasanton” today and tomorrow.

And we’re working on the Computer Based Training (CBT) for the Power Users.  One person is cranking out the individual exercises.  Another co-worker and I are going over the exercises that have already been recorded and drafting the voice-over scripts to go along with them.  This involves going through each exercise by itself.  Then watching the recorded exercise and indicating at which point a voice-over should come in.

Then we watch a video recording of an actual class to pick up any additional “nuggets” of information that the Instructors just happened to have mentioned because someone asked a question that sparked a response.  We hope to have enough of this done by the end of this week so that the Instructors can go over our drafts and decide how much of it they think is really necessary.

It can be tricky when you know the material as well as they do.  They may think something is glaringly obvious when it’s completely lost on a student.  Back in the day when I used to write procedures, I would always ask the least experienced person in the group to “test drive” the instructions.  One time the person came back to me and said, “Do you realize that you left out the first 15 steps?”

No, I had made the (apparently erroneous) assumption that the person reading the procedure would know how to get to my starting point.  Remember:  “Never assume.”

Programming note:  This Friday is my last day in the office for the rest of the year.  It’s really only two weeks, but I’m really looking forward to some genuine “rest and relaxation.”  So no more Letters until the first week in January.

Everyone have a Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanza, Happy Whatever, and a Safe and Happy New Year.

Love, as always,



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