Love, As Always, Pete

The Weekly Letters, by A. Pedersen Wood

December 6, 2000

Dear Everyone:

Just checked with CNN and it’s still official:  We still don’t know who the next President will be.  Not that there’s any rush. 

But we are a nation of people who yell at the microwave oven to “go faster”.  A nation of people who regularly run red lights because they can’t stand to wait 60 seconds.  People who squeeze past you on the right because they can fit their SUV into the bicycle lane, thereby creating their own personal “dedicated right turn lane”.  After all, they shouldn’t have to wait for their turn at the intersection, should they? 

We expect instant results.  I once read an article that stated that the furniture chain, “Levitz”, made money by granting instant gratification.  “See the sofa, get the sofa.”  No waiting six to eight weeks for the sofa.  Worry about how to pay for the sofa later.  Another article said that “…the average computer user gets impatient after six seconds.”  And that was ten years ago, when computers were much slower than today. 

And yet, all these speed demons have to sit on their hands and wait while a couple of judges in Florida burn the midnight oil, leafing through case law, hunting for a precedent, any precedent, that will lead to the next President. 

On the other hand, half the country didn’t even slow down enough to bother to vote, so what do they care?  And the true speed demons have already “clicked on stop and gone to another site”.  They’ll check back later at “” to find out what happened. 

In other news… 

“Jeannie” finally broke down and bought a new computer.  The hand-me-down that I gave her gave up the ghost about the same time the President-Go-Round got started.  She got a laptop that she can also use for her reporting, once she gets the (frightfully expensive) special reporting software.  I expect to meet the new computer this weekend. 

Also this weekend, if rumors be true, brother “Richard” will breeze through the Bay Area as part of some business trip.  So naturally, the painter guy, who was supposed to paint “Jeannie’s” townhouse last month, announced that he will be “available” to paint this weekend.  Everything happens at once. 

Same true for work.  For the past few weeks, I’ve been working on certain projects that would get stalled because of something.  I could work on the billing system, except I hit a snag and had to wait for someone to get back to me with some Visual Basic code.  I could work on the new upgrade to our software, except that they hadn’t shipped it just yet.  On the plus side, I did get the Information Protection Compliance Review completed, so that’s out of my hair for a while. 

Then, just this week, all the parts that I’d been waiting for arrived at the same time.  Suddenly, I have LOTS of things to do and only nine working-days left to this year (the curse of getting five weeks paid vacation).  Still, most of it can wait until next year. 

No movies last weekend because “Jeannie” and I spent most of Saturday trying to connect her friend’s new DVD player to the TV correctly (along with the VCR and separate audio system).  Then we couldn’t test the system because she didn’t have any DVD’s to play yet.  It’s always something. 

Love, as always, 



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