Love, As Always, Pete

The Weekly Letters, by A. Pedersen Wood

June 19, 1997

Dear Everyone:

That loud noise you may have heard last Tuesday, just after 4:00 p.m. EDT, when the Stock Market closed, was the sound of thousands of Compoids all yelling “Yes!!!” at the same time.  Company’s stock having closed at over $75 per share, most of us now have 150 stock options.  Or, as “Elaine” put it, “You just got the closing costs for your new place.” 

So now I have to learn about the care and feeding of stock options.  I hope they don’t require too much attention.  I’m going out of town next week. 

Some months back, the CEO announced that if the price of company stock went above $75 for three consecutive days, all regular employees would get these stock options as a reward.  There are a number of fairly confusing plans to choose from ranging from “grab the money and run” to “hold out, the stock could go up even further”. 

As far as I’m concerned, I don’t know enough about the market to make any intelligent choices, so that leaves just plain gambling; and gambling has never really appealed to me.  Maybe “Richard” and “Marshall” can make some suggestions.  Probably one would advise Plan A and the other would advise Plan B and we’re back to Square One.  Nevertheless, I’m not going to worry about it until after next week. 

Next week I’m going to a fishing lodge in Idaho.  No, I won’t be doing any fishing or, as “Marshall” terms it, “Terrorizing fish.” 

Query:  Who goes to a fishing lodge to not fish? 

Answer:  Techies. 

I’ll be attending a technical conference for Versatile for Windows, a system that I can’t find time to learn and still haven’t converted to.  But we live in hope.  I’m dragging “Wilbur” with me in the fond belief that after the reorganization he’ll be my Assistant Systems Support Specialist.  This is, of course, assuming that I will be the new Systems Support Specialist in need of an assistant. 

The people hosting the conference chose the lodge, presumably because it offers the best facilities for 40 or so people in two different sets of training sessions (“Wilbur” will cover one and I’ll catch the other) each with his/her personal computer.  Frankly, I like the idea of having the conference right there where we’ll be staying.  It means I can leave everything in the room instead of hauling it around with me. 

As for “my new place”, “Jeannie” and I looked at a couple of vague possibilities last weekend.  One had beautiful detached homes with 3 bedrooms.  I particularly liked one floor plan.  That, of course, would be the one that turned out to be in the “mid-$270,000’s”.  Not nearly enough stock options to cover that one. 

We also looked at a more reasonable condo (more like upper $170,000’s) that was a mere 5 minutes from my office.  But I didn’t care for the floor plan and they were asking way too much for something that’s not much bigger than the place I have now.  Ergo, we will keep looking (after Idaho). 


Even with that busy schedule, we still managed to sneak a look at Speed 2 - Cruise Control.  We were curious to see if it could possibly be as bad as all the critics said it was.  Yes, it’s possible.  This is a movie that began with the director saying, “I want to film a terrific boat crash at the end.  Work backwards from there.” 

Scripts that are written from back to front tend to have even more holes than others and this is no exception.  I strongly recommend against it if you are susceptible to continuous flashing lights (which are known to cause migraines and epileptic seizures).  Between the lights constantly going off and on and the jittery hand-held camera work (when there was no need for a hand-held camera), I was beginning to get a headache. 

As for the acting, Sandra Bullock really didn’t have much to do, unlike the original.  Jason Patric is a fine actor (Sleepers), but alas, his character lacked the “emotional depth” that Keanu Reeves had.  This is the second time I’ve wondered if I wouldn’t have been better off going to see Con Air.  Oh, well. 

As you may have guessed, there will be no letter next week as I will be in Idaho, not fishing at the fishing lodge. 

Love, as always, 



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