Love, As Always, Pete

The Weekly Letters, by A. Pedersen Wood

April 23, 1993

Dear Everyone:

We're very close to finishing with sending out the Annual Destruction Review.  So far, it's been rather like trying to lift a somewhat hysterical elephant out of a tar pit single-handed, while people stand around throwing rocks at you. 

In other words, it could've been easier. 

Two weeks ago, we began running reports.  We could only run eight on a weeknight, because they tend to still be running in the morning; and after about 7:00, you get charged the highest rate.  Weekends are 90% off (Sale Price!), so we ran as many as we could over Saturdays and Sundays. 

All of the reports were addressed to “Elaine” in “Livermore”, regardless of which one of us actually did the ordering.  With so many reports churning out at the printers at “Printout Support”, I figured “Elaine” would be pretty notorious among the weekend crew.  By Monday, we expected a whole truckload of paper to show up in “Livermore”. 

No reports. 


By the end of the day, “Elaine” bravely called “Printout Support” to ask where our reports were.  They didn't know.  But…if we could give them the Job Numbers, they could start a trace on the missing reports.  (In the meantime, another 8 reports ran over Monday night.  And disappeared into the unknown.)  The Job Numbers were squirreled away in the Transaction Logs.  I went into the Transaction Logs to find the Job Numbers.  (Is this beginning to sound like a game of Dungeons and Dragons?) 

I faxed the Job Numbers to “Elaine” who faxed them to “Printout Support”.  The next day, “Printout Support” called to announce that they had found our missing reports…sort of. 

Sort of? 

Well, they had sent reports to “Pleasant Hill”.  Now, if you look at the map, you might notice that “Pleasanton”, where “Printout Support” is located, is 16 miles south of “Pleasant Hill” (where they sent the reports) and 6 miles north of “Livermore” (where the reports were supposed to go).  And you might wonder why they would put our reports on a truck and send them 16 miles to “Pleasant Hill”, just so they could be put on another truck to send them 22 miles south (passing “Printout Support” on their way) to “Livermore”. 

We wondered, too.  In fact, we used a lot of wonderful four-letter words trying to find our reports.  It turns out that there is no "direct mail link" between “Pleasanton” and “Livermore”.  So, anything addressed to “Livermore” is automatically shipped to “Pleasant Hill” to be re-rerouted to “Livermore”.  On Tuesday, “Elaine” and her boss, “Murray”, had a little chat with the “Printout Support” lead and set up a deal where they would not automatically send anything addressed to “Elaine” to “Pleasant Hill”.  Unfortunately, there's always some chuckle-head who doesn't get the word. 

There are still five sets of reports missing. 

However, we saw no need to hold up all of the reports just because a few weren't ready.  Yesterday, we gathered the 90+ % that were ready to go and sent them out.  God willing, “Elaine” will get the last ones today and they'll go out before the weekend. 

Yesterday afternoon, I had to leave 45 minutes early for a dental appointment, to get two teeth worked on.  All I could think of was, "If we can just get these reports out to the Records Coordinators by this afternoon, then I can go to the dentist and relax!" 

Love, as always, 



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