Love, As Always, Pete

The Weekly Letters, by A. Pedersen Wood

June 27, 1991

Dear Everyone:

First of all, Happy Birthday, Mother! 

Now onto less important things.  “Martinez”. 

“Martinez” is many things to many people.  To Company, “Martinez” seems to be largely owned.  By Company.  You've got the refinery, a small city in itself.  (If you visit the refinery, they don't just issued you a visitor's badge; they give you an escort so you don't get lost.  Many people use bicycles to get from one office to another.) 

You've got the plant at Hensley, so-called because it's on Hensley Street (turn right at the Refinery, go over about two dozen sets of railroad tracks, turn right at the frog with three brown spots on his back).  This seems to consist of many, many little wooden buildings which, I swear, look like they were built during the Second World War and probably were. 

And then, you've got the “Stone-Top” facility, not big not to be confused with the “Stone-Top” Shopping Mall, which is nearby and which, by the way, just happens to belong to Company. 

Well, the state of California decided that it would like to have the “Stone-Top” facility for some terribly important something or other; so last year, the legislature passed a bill and Company has to be out by November 1st of this year.  Which isn't all that far away. 

Meanwhile, down at Hensley, they got audited and they flunked.  No central file system.  No file system, period.  Now you know where I come into the picture. 

The AgChem (agricultural chemicals) division of Company Chemical Company, which is currently occupying the soon-to-be-vacated “Stone-Top” facility has decided to dissolve itself.  Agricultural chemicals are getting to be too costly in terms of lawsuits, permits, patents and so on. So they're going to sell off their products and shut down. This means that they will have records and filing equipment up for adoption. 

Hensley has, more or less, agreed to adopt the responsibility for AgChem’s records in return for the filing equipment; but where to put it?  Along comes an engineer who says they can set up a “file room” inside one of the old warehouses. 

My heart just about stopped when I heard, “...the engineer who's going to design the file room.”  You know what happens when you let an engineer set up just the filing system.  Let one arrange the whole room?  Not on your life.  “George”, to do him justice, was more than willing to lead “Dolores” and me organize the inside of the room, provided we get the floor plan to him soon enough.  He has to build the whole thing before the files can move in before the end of October. 

Actually, what they're going to do is build a smaller room inside the old warehouse, which is just four walls and a roof of rusting corrugated steel.  By doing this, and not tearing up the old building down and replacing it, they don't have to apply for a new permit.  But they do have to arrange for a hook up to the sewer system (this is the first time I've done a file room with its own bathroom) and electricity, walls, air-conditioning, flooring, all that neat stuff. 

Just to show us what he had in mind, “George” drew a floor plan of what he thought the room would look like:  Files on one side, two offices, lunch room, bathroom, reception area, etc. on the other side.  True to form, he drew it upside down.  From a filing standpoint, that is. 

So, I've been running back and forth across the bay to “Martinez” every other day and drafting floor plans in between.  Yesterday, “Dolores” and I cut little scale-size desks, copiers, microform reader/printers and such out of graph paper and spent the morning “rearranging“ furniture.  Today, I'm putting the final touches on three proposals which I'll ferry back to “Martinez” tomorrow morning for the bosses at “Stone-Top” and Hensley to decide upon. 

And then I'm going on vacation.  This is the main reason I'm knocking myself out to get the floor plans finished.  So “George” doesn't have to wait another week to find out where to put the plumbing. 

I'll be back in the office next Friday, but don't tell anyone.  I'm hoping to spend a quiet day getting some actual work done. 


Love, as always, 



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