Love, As Always, Pete

The Weekly Letters, by A. Pedersen Wood

May 1, 1990

Dear Everyone:

“Jeannie” and I spent the weekend, well, eating.  It started Sunday night at the Hungry Hunter in Lafayette.  “Jeannie” had received a coupon for 2 dinners for $19.95, Sunday through Thursday, through May 24, 1990, not including Mother’s Day.  We decided to go Sunday because Monday was a Vacation Day for me and I wouldn’t have to get up at 4:00 to get ready to go to work.  This meant that I could stay out late Sunday night.  Although actually, we were home by about 8:00 – not exactly party animals here.  We had terrific prime rib dinners with all the trimmings and saved a grand total of $8.95. 

Then on Monday, we drove to Sausilito to have lunch and do some shopping.  Mainly, we went to Sausilito to cash in a gift certificate for Laurel Burch that “Marshall” had sent me for my birthday (thank you, “Marshall”).  There is also a Laurel Burch gallery in Castro Valley, which is technically closer to Concord than Marin; but if you had a choice between having lunch in Sausilito and having lunch in Castro Valley, which would you choose? 

We had a lovely lunch and spent surprisingly little money.  This may be because Sausilito now has (virtually) only two kinds of stores:  expensive art galleries and tacky T-shirt shops.  “Jeannie” remarked that the town seemed more “touristy” than the last time we visited it (this as a tour bus filled with people wearing Coca Cola, Something Division sweatshirts pulled up).  I agreed with her while pointing out that tourists can afford a lot more T-shirts than they can $100 thermometer-“art”. 

Eventually, we made our way to the Laurel Burch gallery where I picked out a pair of earrings and a matching pin and one of her big coffee mugs to replace my Diet Coke glass which finally got “dinged” to the point that I can’t use it anymore.  I could always avoid the chipped areas while drinking, but it was getting to the point that I would lacerate my hand while washing it each night.  So now, I’ll use the Burch mug until I can find a suitable replacement, probably at a Star Trek convention. 

Having Monday off naturally meant that I would go into the office on Saturday.  I figured I might as well as my car was going into the shop for its 45,000 “poke and prod”.  Rather than trying to find someone who could shuttle me to and from the Honda place, I just drove down there Saturday morning, dropped off the car (making special note that the rear window wiper needed a new blade) and walked to the BART station. 

I had a plan for getting my Destruction approval tracking into WordPerfect, but I knew that I would need “several” hours and complete peace and quiet in which to set it up.  This is because WordPerfect is, after all, a computer software package and computers, as we all know, have an unfortunate habit of doing exactly what you tell them to do. 

It took me about 6 hours to work out the exact format, print size, paper size, tab settings, etc. until I had what I wanted.  Then about 2 hours to input all the data from last year’s destruction review that had carried over into 1990.  Then I inadvertently put in a carriage return that screwed the whole thing up, but I managed to find it and get it out of there.  Then I backed the whole thing up (twice) and password-protected it. 

This means that no one but I can get into the file to make any changes.  Unless someone else can figure out the password.  Which they might if they happen to know of a particular World War I army nurse who has a memorial flag pole named after her at a hospital in Antioch.  And even then, they’d probably spell it wrong.  I think I’m safe. 

This means that I have already accomplished 2 of my 4 “stretch goals” for the year:  Enhancing computer knowledge and improving the Destruction tracking system.  This leaves “enhancing knowledge of “BUSiness” software and language” (I’m already scheduled to take a week-long class in June – “BUSiness” is the software used by “IDHS”); and a Star Quality suggestion which I made last year and which “Alma” immediately buried, but which “Chris” has shown an interest in so now it’s suddenly in my lap. 

In other news… 

Of course, everyone has heard of the “Bay to Breakers”, sometimes known as the world’s largest organized race, and other times known as the world’s biggest block party.  It’s a race sponsored by the San Francisco Examiner and others and the money goes to charity.  This year, the 79th running will take place on May 20th and Company has decided to dive in with the Company Crazy Costume Crusade & Contest. 

There are four categories:  Singlepede (an individual runner, not attached to anyone else, probably has no friends); Couplepede (2 people running together, linked in some way); Multipede (3-5 people running together); and Bunchapede (6 or more people running together).  Costumes must have a Company related theme and be pre-approved (they’re not totally crazy).  There will be prizes for the best “costumeagories” (honestly, I’m not making this up) and all “pede” costumes will be reimbursed for cost up to $30.00 per person. 

Please don’t think that this means that I’m going to be “running” in the Bay to Breakers.  I don’t volunteer for anything that requires me to be dressed and in San Francisco before 8:00 a.m. on a Sunday.  I won’t even volunteer to get up and watch it on TV.  However, I might consider taping it for later viewing, if something more important isn’t going on late Saturday night.  We are, after all, in the middle of a “sweeps” month.


Love, as always,



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