Love, As Always, Pete

The Weekly Letters, by A. Pedersen Wood

November 3, 1988

Dear Everyone:

It’s Official:  Halloween is over and the Christmas Pre-Season has begun.

“Jeannie’s” spider-costume was a big success at “Marshall’s” party.  Unfortunately she dropped her camera and wasn’t able to take any pictures.  I’m told that someone at the party took some photos of “Marshall” that had “real blackmail potential” but we may never see them.

Now everybody knows what to get “Jeannie” for Christmas.

My Little Red Riding Hood outfit went over well at work.  We have a casual rider on our van who has quite a reputation among the ladies, so there were a lot of jokes about “Little Red Riding Hood, complete with Wolf”.

A casual rider is someone who doesn’t belong to the vanpool (15 people stuffs a van) but rides when one of the regular riders is out.  The casual pays the van $1.50 each way, which is a bargain compared to BART ($2.65 from Concord).  “George” collects the money until he accumulates $45; then we each get a $5 rebate.  I spent my last rebate on the 6/49 Lotto (jackpot $60 million).  I didn’t win anything.  So much for the lottery.


To the loud cries of “Do we HAVE to?” (watch Arthur Miller’s All My Sons) the answer is:  Of course not – although it wouldn’t hurt you to see a little modern drama, just to keep things balanced.  You may elect to see Not About Heroes (also grim) in the Black Swan Theatre.  Or you may chose to take the afternoon off.  But be sure to let me know what you decide.

In other news…

I’m finally having to get back to fitting RCCS into CRMIS.  It’s not a pretty sight.  I got through a whole STACK of printouts by the simple expedient of throwing them in the wastepaper basket.  They were getting old, and we only like young printouts around here.  A lot of series numbers aren’t matching because “Livermore” keyed in the wrong numbers.  I’m compiling a list of changes; and, once they’re done, all of the data will change, and I’ll order new printouts and start again.  Hopefully with fewer things to check.  These things don’t have a long shelf-life.

I’m also drafting sections for our Records Management Manual, a guide for users with information about files in general.  Sort of a “What to do until the Records Manager arrives” handbook.  Funny thing is, I’m the most recent person in this department, and not the designated person in any of the groups working on the different sections; yet I seem to be the only one actually working on it.  Each time I go into a meeting, I come out with “OK, 'A' will write a draft and we’ll go over it together next week”.

I think “Marshall" may be familiar with this syndrome.

Also in the news…  I haven’t succeeded in sending out all of the “Annual Destruction Reviews” (how the hell do I know who the Records Coordinator is for “American Gobbledygook Company”?  I’ve never even heard of it), and completed reviews are already coming back.  A trickle which may grow into a flood by the end of the year.

Christmas is coming and the geese are getting fat.  (They’re not the only ones.)  It looks like Mother and Dad will be spending Christmas at my place this year.  Dad says he’ll drive to California, but not to Hawaii or the Bahamas.  Also, “Richard” plans to stay with “Jeannie”, so we will have a nice, big group in the Bay Area for the Holidays.

But first, we have to get through the Election.  I already know who I’m not going to vote for in the National Election; it’s the local issues that frighten me.  The Ballot Pamphlet for California is 160 PAGES long.

And that doesn’t include the Contra Costa County propositions.  I’m planning on spending this weekend curled up with my sample ballot package.

Or maybe I’ll just flip a coin.

39 times.

Everybody pray for rain and lots of snow in the mountains. 

Love, as always,



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